Ylönen family

Ylönen Contact Information

Ylönen contacts

Join the Family Association

Membership in this association shall be open to all descendants of the family name Ylönen or if you are married to someone named Ylönen. You must also be over the age of 18 to become member. We are a nonprofit, genealogy association focused on discovering and exchanging information about our ancestors that share the surname Ylönen. In 2019 the family society has about 270 members in Finland, and about 30 is from other countries.

Any suggestions, stories and electronic photos related to our Ylönen heritage are welcome. So, please include a short explanation with your email or letter. Also, any ancestral information you are willing to share is greatly appreciated.

You can become a member in the Ylönen Family Association by sending the following information to Raija Ylönen who keeps the membership records:
email address if you are using one
phone number

Membership Payment 2023

Annual membership fee is 15 euros / member. You can make the payment directly to the bank account of the the Ylönen Family Association (Ylösten sukuseura) in Osuuspankki. Account number is FI92 5290 0220 9070 99. If you have questions about the membership payments, contact the treasurer (Hellevi Holttinen) see Ylönen Family Society Board.

Address changes to Raija Ylönen, member in Ylönen Family Association Board
Ensure that you will receive the annual newsletters.

Family Board

All the Ylönen Family Association board members
Ylönen Family Association Board members with contact information.

the First Family Reunion

Hankasalmi museum, location of the first family reunion

Genealogical Links in Finland

Kirkonkirjat, church records births, deaths, marriages, places people lived
Church books and other info from digital archieve
Old Finnish newspapers free to read
Terms and abbreviations in old church records

© Ylönen Family Association, 2023